Application Forms
APPLICATION FORM 16-05-23 Application Form - Without Personal Data

LOCATION PLAN 16-05-23 16-05-2023 The location plan
BLOCK PLAN 16-05-23 16-05-2023 Proposed Block Plan
PHOTOGRAPHS (Supporting info) 16-05-23 16-05-2023 Proposed CGI (1)
PHOTOGRAPHS (Supporting info) 16-05-23 16-05-2023 Proposed CGI (2)
PHOTOGRAPHS (Supporting info) 16-05-23 16-05-2023 Proposed CGI (3)
SITE LAYOUT - PROPOSED 16-05-23 PL100K Proposed Site Plan
EXISTING FLOOR PLANS 16-05-23 EX101 Existing Ground Floor Plan
EXISTING FLOOR PLANS 16-05-23 EX102 Existing First Floor Plan
NOISE ASSESSMENT 16-05-23 25671.NIA.01 Noise Impact Assessment
EXISTING ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 EX103 Existing Elevation
EXISTING ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 EX104 Existing Elevation
EXISTING ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 Elevation (Side) - Existing Elevation (Side) - Existing
EXISTING ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 Elevation (Front) - Existing Elevation (Front) - Existing
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 16-05-23 PL101 H Proposed residential Floor Plans
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 16-05-23 PL105A Proposed Southern Block (Commercial) Floor Plans
PROPOSED PLAN 14-07-23 Neighbour Consultation Map
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 Elevation (Rear) - Proposed Elevation (Rear) - Proposed
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 Elevation (Side) - Proposed Elevation (Side) - Proposed
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 Elevation (Front) - Proposed Elevation (Front) - Proposed
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 PL103D Proposed Southern Block (commercial) Elevations and Roof Plans
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 16-05-23 Pl104 E Street Scene Elevations
PLAN 16-05-23 PL110C Proposed Landscaping Plan

Supporting Documentation
DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 16-05-23 5th May 2023 Design and Access Statement
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 December 2022 Biodiversity Survey and Report
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 February 2023 Daylight or Sunlight Assessment
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 332511366/3500/R001/rev00 Phase 1 Ground Condition Assessment
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 332511366/3500/R001/rev00 Phase 1 Ground Condition Assessment
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 332511366/3500/R001/rev00 Phase 1 Ground Condition Assessment
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 332511366/3500/R001/rev00 Phase 1 Ground Condition Assessment
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 May 2023 Planning Statement
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 16-05-23 May 2023 Delivery Servicing Waste Management Plan F2
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 26-06-23 Fire safety strategy
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 26-06-23 Demolition and Construction Management Plan
ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE 02-08-23 Advertised in Gazette 2.8.23
ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE 02-08-23 Press notice 26.07.23
FLOOD AND DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT 16-05-23 February 2023 Flood Risk Assessment
FLOOD AND DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT 16-05-23 February 2023 Flood Risk Assessment
TREE/LANDSCAPING REPORT 16-05-23 Tree survey Tree survey
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 16-05-23 January 2023 Energy Statement
TREE/LANDSCAPING REPORT 16-05-23 Landscaping details Landscaping details
TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT 16-05-23 R01-AS-DB-Transport Statement F2 Transport assessment
AIR QUALITY REPORT 26-06-23 Air quality assessment

Decision Documentation