Application Forms
APPLICATION FORM 17-07-23 ApplicationFormRedacted Application Form - Without Personal Data

PHOTOGRAPHS (Supporting info) 11-12-23 Image 007
PHOTOGRAPHS (Supporting info) 11-12-23 Image 008
PHOTOGRAPHS (Supporting info) 11-12-23 Image 009
SITE LAYOUT - EXISTING 17-07-23 0010-AD-XX-ZZ-DR-A-0001 Rev 03 Existing Site Plan
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-00-DR-A-01232 Rev 01 Proposed Ground Floor Plan
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-01-DR-A-01231 Rev 03 Proposed First Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-02-DR-A-01230 Rev 03 Proposed Second Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-03-DR-A-01229 Rev 03 Proposed Third Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-04-DR-A-01228 Rev 03 Proposed Fourth Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-05-DR-A-01227 Rev 03 Proposed Fifth Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-06-DR-A-01226 Rev 03 Proposed Sixth Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-07-DR-A-01225 Rev 02 Proposed Seventh Floor Plan SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 17-07-23 0010-AD-XX-ZZ-DR-A-02275 Rev 01 Proposed South Elevation SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED ELEVATIONS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-ZZ-DR-A-02276 Rev 01 Proposed East Elevation SUPERSEDED
PROPOSED SECTIONS 17-07-23 0010-ADE-XX-ZZ-DR-A-02225 Rev 01 Proposed Section
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-01-DR-A-01231 Rev. 05 Proposed First Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-02-DR-A-01230 Rev. 05 Proposed Second Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-03-DR-A-01229 Rev 05 Proposed Third Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-04-DR-A-01228 Rev 05 Proposed Fourth Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-05-DR-A-01227 Rev 05 Proposed Fifth Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-06-DR-A-01226 Rev 05 Proposed Sixth Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-07-DR-A-01225 Rev 04 Proposed Seventh Floor Plan AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-ZZ-DR-A-02275 Rev 03 Proposed South Elevations AMENDED
PLAN AMENDED 11-12-23 0010-ADE-XX-ZZ-DR-A-02276 Rev 03 Proposed East Elevations AMENDED

Supporting Documentation
DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 17-07-23 0010-ADE-ZZ-ZZ-RP-A-3002 Design and Access Statement (Dated 5th July 2023)
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 17-07-23 PR582_ V1 Energy Statement (Dated July 2023)
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 17-07-23 PR582 _V1 Overheating Assessment (Dated July 2023)
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 17-07-23 91343 Rev. 1 Planning Noise Assessment (Dated 31st May 2023)
SUPPORTING INFORMATION 17-07-23 CIL Form Community Infrastructure Levy - Completed form
ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE 24-08-23 Advertised in Gazette 23.8.23

Decision Documentation
SECTION 106 AGREEMENT 22-01-24 Completed Unilateral Undertaking (UU) Dated 22nd January 2024